Discover new perspectives.
Personally and professionally, individually and collectively, we all tell ourselves stories about the way the world works, who we are, the options available to us, our limitations and our capabilities.
We are generally not aware of these stories, experiencing our narratives as real and objective. The result is that we can bump along on auto-pilot, leaving our pre-existing models of the world unacknowledged and unchallenged. This is fine when things are working well in a static world, but disastrous when we wish to change either ourselves or the world.
The good news is that our narratives are ALWAYS highly selective and much more plastic than we realise. This means they can change and we can see things differently. And when we see things differently, we open up new possibilities for novel solutions and actions. This is the case whether we are seeking to design an anti-corruption campaign, reduce personal stress, lead a change management process or undertake research in the life sciences.
MoreAgency - Clarity - Motivation - Creativity - Focus - Insight
We don’t only focus on helping you solve the specific issue you want to work through. Rather, we share practical and effective tools and techniques to help you change the way you think and increase your cognitive flexibility. These ‘tools for life’ are transferable to any situation, as we use the same brain whatever we are doing.
Coaching is suitable for both individuals and teams. Ideally, it is combined with participation in courses or workshops, as then some of the underlying approaches can be explored, making the individual sessions more focused.
Three sessions is generally a minimum to bring about sustainable changes and can be online or in-person.