Our Blog

Biology, Evolution and Conflict Resolution: Embracing Our Natural Brains
From bloody wars whose origins go back centuries, to fights between the marketing and product development departments, conflict has seemingly been with us for ever. Some make powerful cases that, despite appearances, from a historical perspective, the level of conflict (and most other bad things) is actually reducing (e.g., Steven Pinker in The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined). Others, see us on a trajectory to mass destruction as the post World War II settlement...
Artificial Intelligence v Artificial Reality Avoidance
According to the popular PRO-war blogger Andrey Morozov, Russia lost at least 16,000 people in the fight for the town of Avdiivka in Ukraine. He apparently committed suicide today as a result of...
Why So Many Organisational And People Development Processes Fail
Have you ever been through an organisational change process, leadership development programme or training that doesn't quite provide the promised transformation? It's not really surprising, given...
Although the human brain is a thing of awe inspiring complexity and extraordinary beauty, it did not evolve in order for us to be able to do crosswords, observe distant exploding Supernova, develop...
Our Imagination: Childish Fantasy Or Adult Super-Power?
Hillary Clinton was infamously ridiculed for 'talking with ghosts' and 'communing with the dead', as she sought advice during imaginary conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt. Yet many of those same...
The Zeigarnik Effect And The Power Of Questions
Have you ever desperately, but unsuccessfully, tried to remember the name of someone you met at a party? It's on the tip of your tongue but it just won't come.... Then, a few days later, as you're...
I Think Therefore It’s Done
Visionary or villain, whatever your view, Elon Musk is difficult to ignore. And, tempting as it might be for many, you probably shouldn’t. Particularly if you are interested in social change and...